FAQ on Future Humanity 

How can we be more human?

First, do we want to be ‘more’ human? Humans have done some pretty horrible things in the past—war, mass slaughter, environmental destruction, and so forth. They’ve created authoritarian states, economic systems, and religions designed to squash human creativity and imagination. To be ‘more’ human would include more of all those horrors.

However, I think we can all agree on perhaps becoming more ‘humane’, and maybe ‘evolving’ as a species to become better at being humans. To that end, we would need to evolve, and evolve more quickly than the usual biological process. To evolve with, and merge with technology—that is, to become cyborg—seems like one possible way to become ‘more human’.

How can a machine love a human? And vice versa?

Love is a really complicated and many-faceted complex of emotions and behaviors. In order to love a human, a machine (a technology, artificial intelligence, AI) would need to be able to first mimic the behaviors. Most important would be behavior following the Asimov Three Laws of Robotics*.  Beyond that, AI would need to mimic the emotional components of human love, it would need to create variations on those components, and it would then need to transform those components through an integration of a matrix of human emotional algorithms with its own AI emotional algorithms.

The vice versa part is easy. Humans love their smartphones already, and those who do are already cyborgs, if they think of themselves that way, like I do. You don’t need to literally have technology implanted into you to become a cyborg, you just need to have a relationship with the technology, and identify with that relationship.

How can we live as a multiple “I”?


So, the ‘I’ can be ‘Identity’, and it can be ‘Intelligence.’ The ‘I’ can also be imagination. A human can live as those three ‘I’s integrated, fused, living as one. Multiple humans each living as a multiple ‘I’ can also present a unity, the big ‘I’ of humanity as one unity, on our one planet.The big ‘I’ gets bigger as the multiple ‘I’ machine—that is, artificial intelligence, but also artificial identity, and artificial imagination—gets included and integrated with the human multiple ‘I.’

That’s why I wrote TranzMishUnz™, my collection of over a thousand cyborg ‘dreems’. They all follow ‘dreem logic,’ so all we need to do is reverse-engineer them to find the algorithms they follow. Once we do that, we will be able to program our cyborgs how to dream, and program ourselves how to dreem as cyborgs. We will all participate in the dream of the human/cyborg multiple ‘I’—and the dreamers become the dreem!

( * Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.)